Celebrating Food! Celebrating Life!

Posts tagged “Pavé Chocolates and Confections

Weekend Delights @ Pavé Chocolates and Confections

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Our first review on Pavé Chocolates and Confections was For Alice almost a year back. It was a sexy lil’ number which we couldn’t forget. Helluva creation it was, dramatic in both taste and looks. Since our first visit, we’d been back about half a dozen times, sometimes lazing the evening away over a slice of cake and a cuppa, sometimes “wacarons” takeaways or simply popping by to say hi. I must say the initial visits were somewhat out of convenience, since we hang around Katong and Parkway Parade pretty much every weekend. It wasn’t long before we felt drawn to the place. Their creations suited us, i.e. bold ideas, use of premium ingredients, gutsy display for innovation in taste, texture and appearance. But most importantly, their constant strive for improvement and change, as well as being very customer-oriented,i.e. sincerity and willingness to seek out opinion and suggestions.

Feeling rather unsatisfied with dinner at another food joint somewhere in the vicinity (yes! we try to be nice and not to write about bad stuff…unless its really bad!), we were in dire need for some instant remediation and damage control! Service over dinner was horrid, and that most certainly “pavéd” the way (pun intended!) for our latest visit! And no takeaways today! We’d decided to sit in for our “treatment” to commence immediately!